Happiness Fills this blog
You must always be HAPPY here :) Remember to Tag and FOLLOW the RULES (:

Your lord

Whashup! Nama saya Hui W3n Bold italic underline Hotmail

Thursday, December 31, 2009.

Onion say yo! Yours truly here! Sorleeh so long never post. So many of you all {2} wants me to post so...

Past few days oni yesterday was so so fun. Wild Wet wild. Haa. Couldnt stop laughing till now. Gone there with my dear cousin, Yc and Jq. Siew Xuan was there too. With her big big family. Inclusive of, ma, pa, cousins, uncle, aunts, ama, ah gong...maybe too much. Wow. Never seen one like it.

Rode LRT, MRT, MRT, BUS. On the MrT, soso funny de loh. Say no eating. And jq and I keep on making fun saying that someone might be choking then cant even swallow the pil cause too dry. Ha! lol.

First, we went to the circle-shaped river. Fun. Yi Chen saw me wet so she was happy...? Went for two rounds. But heres a tip, Salty water is every where. Drink one mouth, and you will probably get diabetes.

And everything was so so fun de loh. The slide thing, it was slow. For a reason. {I gota lose some pounds}

Wasnt as fun as the Super high slide!!!! WoW. Jq went with me. YiChen and my cousin was too fraidy cat too do it. But of course, I got her to sit at the scarier part opp to me. Haas.

Then we realise there was a WAVE. So we ran of to the pool part. But when I got onto one of the floats, the wave stopped..... Please Forward!

-Fifteen min later-
Heh, big big WAVE. But before the bell can ring, I heaven got up on the float. So, I just stayed between it. The others got on it...Ugh...Well Yichen and I stayed at the 1.2 range, well jq floated to the 1.8 range. We called and called. But soon, the wave stopped she came back. Then I realised, I got hurt. It swelled. Ugh.

Then we bathed...Forward!

-30 min later-
Jq and yc orderd KFC-killed f****** chickens. Dont take it seriously. jk.
My cousin and I orderd the, SUBWAY-eat fresh. Oh me god. That moment, subway became my favourite. Instead of Mac. Thanks! Dear cousin! {Sandwich w honey + onion? sauce + tuna + lettuce + tomato + cucumber } =my favourite meal.

Then at 6 we went home. At 7, we reached home.

~End of a fun filled day~

Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!
 ( >. .< )
(  ( . . )  )
Happiness is Best @ (: 12:51 AM

Saturday, December 26, 2009.

Hello there. Your lord here. Well, think Im gonna stop posting line by line. Its way too wordy.

Thank you all for tagging. { Anson, anna, jieqing, li xuan, rara, Irfan }  It made me really happy. Well, although not one day then come back but then, still happy. Haas. Love you all!

Yesterday went for a haircut. Years of experiences with me, you should roughly know how bad I will look. Dont make fun of that dude. But, I knid of like this hairstyle best. Ugh. But ppl might think i act cute. Of all things, the insult Im most unhappy bout is ppl saying me Act cute.


Okie?? k. Today, I have a serious case of a sore throat. Ugh. Prolly, my aunt will make me a nice cup of tea. Relaxing one... Oof. Recently been sleeping real late. Waking up real late. 3a.m sleep. 3p.m. wake up.
Today, did nothing much lo. But, I have been looking at myself at the mirror. Talking. Combing my hair. Lol. I looked back and HAIR LOSS. Thats normal right? Nvm.

Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!
 ( >. .< )
(  ( . . )  )
Happiness is Best @ (: 2:13 AM

Wednesday, December 23, 2009.

Hellos, my dear subjects. Your lord here.

Today, you should know, its the day to buy uniforms and booksfor..sec. Ugh, west spring. Shirt so stuffy. But hor...Friday tee very the nice de lor.books...
Haas, I oni took the uniform. My mom, aunt and maid help me hold three stacks of books. Haaas. So many ppl, gong gong. 8.30a.m. go. Well, some ppl at west spling called my house. That time I was still sleeping like a baby. Its not my fault that my mom told me to 12 then go. Thinking that they wait for us...Well they will but they gan chiong.

Suai. West soring from the MRT walk until like hell.Im such a poor poor thing. Father, aunt, mom, all know how to drive. THEY DONT WANNA BRING ME TO SKOOL!!!! Ugh, prolly, when my brother is 18 { which will happen in 2 years time } he will get a liscense and drive me to skool. Nah. He wouldnt even if I paid him. If only, I have a liscenseYeah' ryt. Like a bike.

Today, went there, I feel like puking. Then when I went to the toilet. I puke. JUST KIDDING!!!! Well thats all that happened. So sad. Cant be with my friends from 6s.Jocelyn, well she is not from 6s but my good fren. Jie Qing, ShahAnaz. Thats all I know.

And recently, nobody have been replying my sms. NOBODY. I go check argh...None. *sobs* Im seriously upset. I smsed jq, cy, yc, jc, lx. None replied. None. They are really forcing me to find a jerk to chat with him.Ohhs. I STILL HAVE MY BROTHER!!!!! Nah. He has a girlfriend. Im so lonely.

~Nobody nobody but me~
~I have nobody nobody but me~
~I have nobody nobody, Im really lonely~

WAH LAO!!! IM REALLY GOOD AT MAKING UP SONGS!!!! And li xuan you say you dunnoe how to sing that song, is because you dunnoe the rythmn? Or? It really nice if you sing the song out correctly. K?

OKie..Then...well nothing more to say. And to { Whoever who received my sms and did not reply } Forget it, dont reply. Dumb. You try that in my situation! Dumb. Reallly. Really dumb.

Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!

 ( >. .< )
(  ( . . )  )
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:38 PM

Monday, December 21, 2009.

Hello, my dearest subjects. Your lord here.
Must have missed me huh? Sure you did.
No wonder I have been sneezing all day!
Lol. Lol. Lol.
And I have gotta announce something.
That and I made up a song.

~Yi Chen's special christmas song~
~You better watch out, cos christmas come liao.x 2~
~And Yi Chen has come back to our town.~

Well she must.
Unless she doesnt want to know which sec skool she is posted to.
Anyway, Like the song? Comment pls...

Today did nothing special.
Nothing at all to be exact.
Well, I used the '' Paint " to draw a cute lil cat.
Ugh. My posts haven't been as hilarous as before has it?
Well, Im trying my best. K?
Oh ya, I just wanna say.
Inclusive of,
-My Frens' brother, Sister, Cousin...etc.
-Of course, must be ppl that know me? Duh.
'''O.Okay? Okie!
Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!
 ( >. .< )
 (  ( . . )  )

Happiness is Best @ (: 11:09 PM

Sunday, December 20, 2009.

Hello, Your lord here~
Sor leeh two days never post argh.
Not my fault that Com no signal.
Recently ar, anything no signal.
Handphone oso like that. Why??!!
...O_O Sheesh.
Cant wait to change that old thing.

K. The day before yesterday nothing much. Yep.
So tok about yesterday argh? K.
Yesterday, two girls came to my house.
For Wat?
Fun. Talk. Play. Watch movie.
One of them, ish our dearest level leader, Xin Ying.
The other one. ....
Then we watched " Coraline ".
Nice scary movie.
Then when the exciting part came...
Xin ying darling kept on screaming. And on...and on.
? She ish just like that.
Then today, I went to tuition. Saw Yi Qian.
Haiz...So jealous sial, she got 253
Man, I gotta brag about it. Huh?? Kk.
Once I got home, I took a lil nappy.
-11p.m. to 4.30p.m.-
Then, went to my aunt's house.
Come back. Play com till now.
Soooh, nothing much to say lo.
Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!
 ( >. .< )
(  ( . . )  )
Happiness is Best @ (: 2:04 AM

Thursday, December 17, 2009.

Hello! ~Your lord here~
So. Today, got a " new " room-makeover. SHeesh. Wondering I left the inverted commas?
For a reason.
Actually, I dont really know why.
JUST kidding.
I mean, cupboard move out....wooden desk + Ugly cupboard move in. ???
And you might have noticed, I now want to try a different way of writing my post.
Well, so that It does not seem wordy.
Seems kinda nice argh??
I noe how much readers hate wordy post.
Prolly, thats why ppl dont read much of my post.
Kays. I will probably edit all of my posts into like this.
Other than that, today, I went to tuition.
Well my slippers don't look so lonely after all.
Then...saw Siew Xuan's friend, Carol.
She seemed...nice.
Playing restaurant city.
So hard...those useless workers get tired so easily???
Ugh. Making money ish so hard.
Just went out to the streets for a lil while. come back,
Toilets flooded. the restaurant points decreased by 5+...
Alemak. Think I'll just go back play larh!
Think my toilets flooded le.
Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!
(>. .<)
(  (. .)  ) :]
Happiness is Best @ (: 2:41 AM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009.

Hello there. Your lord here. Missed me harh?  Sure you did.

So, today. Did nothing stupid nor special. Okie. Reason why I so late post is because, dumb laptop. No signal. K, other than that nothing. At all. I heaven stepped out of the house for two days liaos. No wonder my slippers looks so lonely. I also want post photo lehs. I'll think of one something. Maybe a video. Well almost all video I've taken are funny. Hilarious. I'll post one sometime.

Oh ya...got this class outing coming argh? I think I not going bah. So many ppl.

Haha. Ain't I'm funny?
Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!
(>. .<)
( (. .) )  :]
Happiness is Best @ (: 1:06 AM

Sunday, December 13, 2009.

Hello my people. Your lord here. Crazy blogskin. Things just likes to jump anywhere they like. Haas.
So...today. Did nothing special. I did some Sec 1 maths. Quite scared sial. Dont quite understand. Lalala...these few days heaven been laughing as hard as Im in skool. Gotta admit. Really miss my frens. only now. No more P.e...Im gaining....especially with those ice-cream. Ugh. And this joke thing, can I post one joke weekly? I mean, dude. I dont use com that often. Agree? Okie!!! Prolly...weekend ba. Think I'll be free. Yup. And I got to say. Pay attention horh. [ READ MY BLOG POSTS WHEN YOU COME VISIT MY BLOG!!! DONT JUST COME TO WRITE " TAGGED" OR " IMY" IN MY CBOX AND LEAVE. READ EVERY WORD ]
Thanks. Also JieQing darling ar...I got go your blog okie? Daily. So no need tell me. Of course you must come also wad. Kay? Okie. Haas...long time nvr post joke le hor? Since today ish Sunday, then post one larh hor!

There is an invention still used in many parts of the world today that allows people to see through wall. In fact everything. Whats that?
Answer:) A hole.

Haas you must have been thinking to beat me up after knowing the answer ba? No doubt. And one last question. Who knows Irfan de blog? That dude did not leave his blog down.
Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!

 (>. .<)
(  (. .)  ) poop :]

Happiness is Best @ (: 11:49 PM


Hello my ppl. your lord here. Sick of me oledy? Dont worry we still have a long way to go. Two days never post..that quite long argh? Agree? Kays. Forgotten bot wat happened lerhs...Oh ya.
Got the toilet papers. donno why so special. A piece of boring toilet paper. Lame. But that happen two days ago. So other than that, yesterday went ot bpp shop. Ate sushi. Bought Sec 1 de assessment books. Then I also bought [ Coraline ] Interesting but scary story. All the humans that lived in that particular world seems to have buttons sewed into their eyes. Haas. Cant believe I faced my fears. Finallly dared to watch it. And slept soundly that night. Especially soundly. Probably should ask you all to come my house watch the movie. It'll be fun watching movies together. Soo...if you want come my house just gimme a call and i ask mu qin da ren. But sure can. I mean gimme a break manzxc. Its holiday!! ugh. Kays. Now so relaxed. Got my aunt feed me eat Ice cream-bens and jerry. Siao bought like 6 tubs just because theres a offer. Kays. Gotta go watch wo cai liao. The damn hilarious show by the famous guy. So maybe later will update this post kay?
Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....BYE!!!!

 (>. .<)
(  (. .)  ) poop:]

Happiness is Best @ (: 12:03 AM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009.

Hello. your lord here. Well today, I did something unusually dumb. My mom told me to go to school to take some PSLE toilet paper. Then I changed into my uniform and met Jie Qing downstairs. LalaLaLA...so fun. Walking...laughing. But when go inside skool, some person who works there told me that the toilet paper heaven send to the skool yet. Wah Lao!!! They told my mom to take the toilet paper on 9 december. Then now? How long does it take to send toilet paper? Sheesh. Totally pissed off by them. Argghh. Tomolo must wear that uniform again.Sian dao...Oh ya then later on that day jq also go my house. Did nothing much. Then she went home and I continued to play com. But hor, 6.58p.m. someone called my house and told me there's tution.Hell. Nobody told me anything about tution.Ha. embarassing suddenly barged into the room Everyone looking at Yours Truly. My mom still say that she wants me to have a private tutor. Fyi. Guy private tutor. I think I'll prolly persuade her to let me continue tution at stepping stones. Kinda like that teacher. Her teaching very clear. oh ya...and tuition I think I sat beside Carol-Siew Xuan's Friend. Well, she seemed nice. Well finished talking, and its time for your favourite time of the day!
This is an unusual paragraph. I am curious how quickly can you find what is unusual about it. It looks so plain that you wold think that nothing is wrong with it.It is unusual though. Study it and think about it, btu you still may not find anything odd. but if you work at it a bit, you might find it out. Try to do so without any coaching.
Answer:) There are no "e" s.
Haha...cool. Well, tune in next time for the next joke.
Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....

 (>. .<)
(  (. .)  ) poop:]

Happiness is Best @ (: 9:11 PM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009.

Hi  your lord here. Sor leeh yesterday never post. Forgotten le. Errm so today did nothing special except for starving!!! Stupid indian ppl make cement on the floor then cannot go out. I will tell my mom about this!!! You watch out!!!! Curses!!! Nobody gets away if you try to starve me...reaally angry bout it. Well, still starving. I guess I had nothing better to do rather than use com. Just now played "patapon" until psp no battery. Then when charging cannot play. Alemak. Headache, Stomachache. Ack. Ugh. ooh.  Prolly five min later then mie maid can help me buy food. Other than that, I've heard that 6s ish gonna have a "outing". Fyi, I heard it last month until now still no news. Sheesh. How long does it take to plan one? You call up a few friends, buy some kopi, sit somewhere, plan for five min, find out what timing...then call up the class, Yes, no, maybe, See how many ppl go. Gao ding lorh!!! Should have chosen me to plan. Agree? Well, I dont think the next outing would include me. Anyway, I hate it when too many ppl get together. Well finished my yapping and its time four...
[I will just give the answer straight away ba...troublesome having it in my next post]
In the olden days, a man was charged with reason against the king and was sentenced to death. The king decided to be lenient and allowed the guy to choose his way of dying. In the end, he was'nt killed straight away. What way did he choose?
Answer:) Die of old age

Four men went on a fishing trip. However the boat overturned and four of them sank to the bottom of the lake. Why didnt a single man got wet?
Answer:) Because four of them are married not single.

Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you:)
 (>. .<)
(  (. .)  ) poop...
Happiness is Best @ (: 3:58 PM

Sunday, December 6, 2009.

Hello your lord here. Today I did nothing special. Except for watching the bof. Sian sia. Shouldnt have started watching. I hope siew xuan darling ar, get over bof...very the lame. k? Except for the shuai one-HAJE. I suppose everyone forgotten who he ish le ba? The cute guy who kidnapped Jan di. Yup he should have been one of the f4. Whateva la. He oni appear in 1 tiny weeny episode and got me so worked up. Actually, it would have been a lie if I say that I didnt like bof one bit. ok la, neutral. Then after watching...did nothing special. but horh, about half an hour ago, went to li xuan darling de blog. and I finally watched the video. My mood so down turned sia. I totally agree to lx statement. You should really be grateful to your parents for giving you hat you have now. These babies so pitiful leh. They can actually be very cute babies too. So sad. Kk since I finished my yapping, its time for...
A panda walked into a restaurant. It sat down and ordered some food. After he finished eating, he shot the waiter and left. Not long, the police caught up with it. It was asked why it killed the waiter. It replied," Look me up in the dictionary." What did the dictionary say that concludes that the panda did nothing wrong?
Because, the dictionary stated," A panda eats shoots and leaves."
A horse is tied to a five metre rope, six metres away from a stack of hay. Without breaking the rope, the horse was able to get to the haystack. How is this possible?
Alemak, if you think about it, its actually very easy. Cos the other end of the rope was tied to nothing!

Haas. As I have mentioned before, a giggle a day keeps the blues away! The joke I later then post la hor? Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....

 (>. .<)
(  (. .)  ) poop.

Happiness is Best @ (: 9:48 PM


H3llo. Your lord here. Must have missed me ha? Sor lee yesterday nvr post...too tired to post. But dont worry...I will post two jokes this time! Thanks to Li Xuan. Of course, if you stay tuned on my posts, you will get to read the jokes too...So let me finish my post first...
Did nothing much today...this afternoon my brother watched xia dao xiao....I saw a bit but then I left for my aunts house...I saw till the part where a guy hear the other guy say," Be careful you will get hit by a car for your ungratefulness..." Haha...then that guy not happy then stand in the middle of the road and no car hit him but then one car flew from the ontop bridge...quite funny sia....then go to my aunts house...then eat corn [ Its amazingly sweet ] ...come back home....Okie...finished yapping and its time for...
A panda walked into a restaurant. It sat down and ordered some food. After he finished eating, he shot the waiter and left. Not long, the police caught up with it. It was asked why it killed the waiter. It replied," Look me up in the dictionary." What did the dictionary say that concludes that the panda did nothing wrong?
A horse is tied to a five metre rope, six metres away from a stack of hay. Without breaking the rope, the horse was able to get to the haystack. How is this possible?
Again the credit goes to Li Xuan!!!!  Thank you girlfriend! And you may find some of the jokes to be kind of a brain tweezer. Try testing your friends to!!!! Answers will be out tomolo!!! Stay tuned!
Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....

 (>. .<)
(  (. .)  ) poop.

Happiness is Best @ (: 1:20 AM

Thursday, December 3, 2009.

Hello, your lord here. Have you checked out my new music? Well these few songs are dedicated to my friends who are maplestory lovers. Like it? Im quite sure you do. I mean, such cheerful songs. Why wouldnt cha? Okie. Just intending to say something...still remember the post where i said that someone wrote that i was a ***? Ya...just want to say that Lixuan commented on that dude's post.

 Social interview: Is Huiwen Ong a morning or evening person?
That damn person answered: Evening. cos she is a pig.

Li Xuan: evening = pig arhs? ohhs, i duno leh. then i will answer yours as = none of them. obviously (s)he din't sleep at night derhs. from the panda eyes you can see.

Haha...good one. A better one would be, obviously, she didnt sleep much because you can see from her uglyness. Celebrity have perfect skins because they sleep well. Duh. That person Loser sia.And another thing is that I didnt know that Lixuan was a follower of my blog till I took a good look at my dashboard. Hahas. cute. Anyways, done talking and its time for...
~JOKE OF THE DAY~                                                                                                                                

Nah, this time is just a so called "gag"....
When sadness fills your heart and tears flow from your eyes, just let me know. I want to be there for you cos....

Hahas...credit goes to shazlina for sending me this "gag"....Thanks and bb!!!
Happiness is Best @ (: 10:21 PM


Erm hello. Your lord speaking again. As you may realise, the previous jokes I have are boxed. You know wat I mean?? Okie. That will happen from today onwards .[ Including the photos ] I feel that it will make the jokes a whole lot easier to read. ar?? Ar??...Nvm.
So today, my schedule is quite full. And, Im actually feelin a bit tired now because of the few frens that came to mi house [ SiewXuan darling, Mushy darling and Jieqing darling ]...This is how the day went...

------{ FlAsHbaCk }-------

The three lil piggy came to mi house. Then piggy-sx ate wanton mee + tee ping wif grass jelly. Then piggy-jq ate the same thing except that she had bundung. Piggy-jc had oni lemon tee. I, the big bad wolf...ATE THEM ALIVE!!!!!  Just kidding. I ate mixed rice and milo. Okie. Then, we played blind mice. Then we went downstairs play color catching. It was F-U-N. I sweat. A lot. Then, we actually wanted to go to explore the other playground but here comes miss rainy. It was actually just a shower but we still went home. Then, when we went home, we were shocked to see mi mom and aunt. oopsy, they seemed angry...Heng argh...they went to work and didnt receive scolding I think until night time when they come home...I think I will sleep at nine tonight...Haha. Then we played blind mice again, and then not long, they went home...HALF EATEN BY ME. As always, just kidding.

------{ FlAsHbaCk EnD }-------

Ah Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. ah Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....

 (>. .<)
(  (. .)  ) poop.
Happiness is Best @ (: 5:46 PM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009.

Heh...just wanna try to upload a photo...cute right? And Im not only talking bout the baby. Janalyn darling, Xin Ying darling, yours truly, jamie darling, jieqing darling. And the baby ish Xin ying's lil sister...she also very cute...I know...
                                                   ~EnD Of P0sT~
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:41 PM


Heh...hello As promised...its time for...
One day, 3 men went on a jungle exploration. Suddenly, some tribes appeared and took them to their king.
Not long, they reached their king.
Their king said," Come back in 1 hour with 10 fruits of the same kind or else I will order my men to kill you."
After twenty minutes, the first men came back with 10 oranges.
Then the king ordered," If you swallow the fruits and didnt make any sounds, I will let you go."
The men then started swallowing his fruits. However after the third one, the men choked and he coughed. He was then killed.
After another 10 minutes, the second man came back with 10 cherries. He was then ordered to do the same thing. However, after the ninth cherry, he burst out in laughter. Then he was also killed.
The second man then met the first man in heaven. The first man then asked," Why did you laugh? You were so close."
The second man answered," I couldnt help it when I saw the third guy came back with all those durians!"
Hahas. Do you get it? Well, a giggle a day keeps the blues away!!!! Do visit me more often to get these updates!!!!

Happiness is Best @ (: 11:29 PM


Hello my loyal subjects...hieee. This ish your lord speaking. Sor leeh yesterday never post 2nd post....Now gonna make mie posty post.
Okie....what did I do today....
Woke up at noon, 1.15p.m. dude im notta pig, im just used to sleeping late, and its not my damn fault that there no sunlight in my room to wake me up. sheesh know why im explaining? cos got one damn guy answer one question on face book. It went like this.

Is Huiwen Ong a morning or evening person?
That damn person answered: Evening.cos she is a pig.

???whats that all about??argh??!! Im not gonna say out that person's name...just gonna reveal some facts about her [ I put she not bcos that person is a girl; its cos that person acts like one ] personality: Ugly, a slack and basically someone that insults ppl for fun.

okay...continue with the waking up thing...then wash up...and used com...for a lil while...then got hungry...and ate bah chor mee. FULL AND HAPPY>.<....blabla...bla. ENd of mie posty post.
This time I think it would be better if some of the jokes doesnt include a answer...it makes life easier for. On ar??? Okkie.....joke i will post later....now....
Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....Bye!!!
 (>. .<)
(  (. .)  )
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:05 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009.

Hello my fellow subjects!!! Its time for the answers to the jokes...Too Bad too sad two cat too fat...kkk stop. Mi point is, no one got the answer...two dad, too mad...nvermind la....I cant think of anyone else that would come to my blog...except for li xuan jieqing and mushy....so i think i will let you all participate next time horh...

One day, John and his Mother went to the market to buy groceries. After buying the things they need, they went home without paying. Why didnt they have to pay?
 Alemak, because "one day" is the name of a person mah, and he kapoh then pay for john and his mom loh!!!

Imagine that you are in a room covered in brick, with no furniture, no tools. How do you get out?

Alemak....this one easier!!!! STOP YOUR DROOLING AND STOP IMAGINING. Siao. 

Now you know the answer...go test your friends too and give them a headache!!!! Thats What i got my first time I heard it. Haha...
My actual post will be seen later!!!

Terimah Kasih. AH Sayolahnah. Kamsadahamih. Thank you you....Bye!!!

Happiness is Best @ (: 9:04 PM